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why voting should be mandatory essay

The Hindustan Times in the Article “Mandatory Voting Anti-Poor” states that the United Chief Sharad Yadav is against the compulsory voting idea because it will... ...Voting Debate CON Mandatory Voting Advantages. As of Nov 7th 2012 Illinois, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania all have pending legislation to legalize marijuana for medical use. People who vote during the elections in India represent just a percentage of the total population. Stated in document 2, lines 24 and 25, Maria Gretschew wrote, “It has been proved that forcing the population to vote results in an increased number of invalid and blank votes”. Essay On Mandatory Voting. The article states, “although [Crispin Morales] was given a day off as the law required, Crispin was unable to get a polling station to vote (later he was glad to hear that his candidate, Evo Morales, won)...” This highlights how even though Crispin wanted to vote and attempt to, he could not since he was not able to get a polling station. The answer to the question, 'Should voting be mandatory', lies in the topic itself. Compelling them to do so is undemocratic. We have the right to vote and the government should not force it upon us. Why We Should Not Adopt Mandatory Voting in The United States Some believe that we should make voting mandatory in America. With voter participation rates falling below sixty percent, making voting mandatory would increase the percentage of those who vote. Voting And Voting 1143 Words | 5 Pages. The idea seems vaguely un-American. e) Is it unbiased? Many arguments exist to prove or disprove the importance of compulsory voting. Both sides of the issue have their reasons why mandatory-voting laws should or should not be passed. “It is a formal Expression of Opinion or Will, in response to a proposed decision” -(Merriam Webster). The main benefit of compulsory voting is a larger voter turnout. It is also the need for votes, which propels a candidate to work hard and produce results based on the promises that need to be fulfilled once he has been elected by a majority of votes. With voter participation rates falling below sixty percent, making voting mandatory would increase the percentage of those who vote. If that’s the case, then elected officials have only been appealing to a partial amount of people in the United States since there has been such a low turnout in voting even in national voting. Those who believe that mandatory voting should become a law believe that it will bring the number of voters on Election Day to increase. Mandatory Voting Essay. Voting should be made compulsory so that the leaders who are elected deserve to lead the nation. Legislation should be created to enforce the act of mandatory voting in the United States. Doing so will push back against voter suppression and tear down barriers to participation because the … I would like to initiate with a quote, which falls apt to the topic and my point of view on it- “A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.” -(Theodore Roosevelt). I argue that voting should not be mandatory in America because first, non-voters are uninformed, it doesn’t improve the democratic climate, and it requires a national database. However, voting should not be compulsory. In a democratic nation like India, I believe every individual should have his or her own judgment when comes to voting. If people do not get their opinions out then there will be more room for complaints and criticisms after elections. In a case where voting is made compulsory, all votes will be accounted for. (Conventional wisdom says the more people who vote, the worse the GOP does). (give the name of the specific database or website) EBSCO Some say that if the full range of voters actually voted, our political leaders would become more responsive the younger... ...Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States? This is why making voting mandatory in America has nothing to do with politics. All citizens would be a part of the decision making of the country and would be following through on their civic responsibility of being a … A better representation of America will cause less argumentation in local communities all the way up to the national level. Compulsory voting, also known as mandatory voting, is a system in which voters are required to register to vote and to go to their polling place or vote on election day. Compulsory voting has been a part of Belgium's Constitution since 1892. We have a right to vote and we should have the freedom to exercise that right whether we would like to or not. One change from those early times were political parties, after the war of 1812 ended the federalist parties. Initially, this nation was found as a republic where people are represented in the government through elected officials with similar interests. This paper shall span three continents, […] Both sides strive for acceptance, each claiming to outweigh the other, but before casting judgment on either side of the argument, it is important to understand the most prominent pros and cons of each to decide why compulsory voting would do more harm than good. In my opinion, each and every Indian has the right to ask themselves “to vote or not to vote” when the question of electing the ruling party of the nation arises. Making voting compulsory will make the leaders feel legitimate, and they have the full backing of the citizens. Unbiased Governments must consider the total electorate in policy formulation and management. Include information about each of these points in your answer: Cannabis is also used by cancer patients to remedy... ...debated, whether or not voting should be compulsory in local and national elections in the United States. The people that should be voting are those who have an opinion on the election, or want one of the candidates over the others, but that is not always who is voting. The bank of the united states helped established economical independence. Both sides of the issue have their reasons why mandatory - voting laws should or should not be passed. Politicians will have more support and run less targeted campaigns designed to attract voters in a specific groups. Every group member must find two articles, so that a group of 3 will have 6 total and a group of 4 will have 8 total. Voting Should Be Made Compulsory Introduction Voting is not just a right, it is also a responsibility. Most people believe that more voting causes better government. Why go against that and force or make anyone to do anything. Depending on this, the country could either fail or succeed, in many different ways. Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Reducing the Republicans’ share of votes by 2.8% means that the Republicans would have lost 24 seats, which would have been 12 short of a majority. We are really well aware of the fact that Voting is very important in our Government process, and the voters know that just as well as the candidates. Economic and social changes in the United States: how had the nation changed since 1800? Arguments against mandatory voting. Voting should not be considered a civic duty, but a civic right; as stated in that article. Voter turnout: About how many people voted in the 1828 election compared to earlier elections? Those who believe that mandatory voting should become a law believe that it will bring the number of voters on Election Day to increase. 2 Dollar Essay is cheap essay College Essay Why Voting Should Be Made Compulsory writing service for students where rates for a college essay are as low as $2 per page only. Those who believe that mandatory voting should become a law believe that it will bring the number of voters on Election Day to increase. The idea of mandatory voting during U.S. elections is a much-debated topic in the United States. As mandatory voting reaches higher voting turnout, more groups sensitive about specific topic are included in the voting. To address this concern, Chapman pointed to Australia, a country that has had compulsory voting in their national elections since 1924. Voting is a right, not a duty. Only sectionalism existed which in most cases caused problems. People should have the option to refuse to participate in the system if they choose. By creating a law forcing people to vote it would make the elections truly valid and protect the … By enforcing voting we would be ensuring that the elections would show the beliefs of every eligible voter. The freedom is yours to express your own opinion and to vote. A tiny percentage know a lot about politics, up to 50%-60% know enough to answer very simple questions, and the rest know... ...Voting should be an obligation not an option I feel compelled to negate today’s resolution that voting in general elections should be mandatory in the United States. Gladys Wunsch. The greater turnout rates in countries with CV might not be necessarily good. When voting is mandated by a government and every legal individual turns in a vote, this ensures that the government has a solid number to work with. In a nutshell it can be said that compulsory casting of a vote is an imperative step in a democratic society, however, its implication in a friendly manner is of vital importance. “If we force everyone to vote, the electorate will become even more irrational and misinformed.” What these studies showed was that Americans fall into three categories with regard to their political knowledge. The motto of the United States is “E pluribus unum”, meaning “out of many, one”. Source #1: But if a tactic of disenfranchisement and electorate-amputation makes sense for the party (which is debatable), it is terrible for the country. As a democracy, we should have the right to choose if we want to vote or not. Choice and freedom is something that we pride ourselves of. Parliament reflects more accurately the "will of the electorate." Voting, in our case, can more specifically be stated as the expression of a person's opinion towards a political scenario and their choice amongst the options. The legalization of marijuana would make it so law enforcement could stop wasting there time with non-violent marijuana users and spend it on finding the real criminals in the US. When students face a host of academic writing to do along Should Voting Be Made Mandatory Essay In English with many other educational assignments it becomes quite difficult to have time for getting on well. If there were to be a law that enforces compulsory voting in America, people wouldn’t vote from heart. The article states, “although [Crispin Morales] was given a day off as the law required, Crispin was unable to get a polling station to vote (later he was glad to hear that his candidate, Evo Morales, won)...” This highlights how even though Crispin wanted to vote and... ...Progressivism in the United States Patients suffering from glaucoma have turned to cannabis as a treatment for decades now. By creating a law forcing people to vote it would make the elections truly valid and protect the integrity of our elections. This of cores narrowed voting rights of Americans and... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes, Contrast in Midsummer Night’s Dream Essay Example, The Hoopster Character Description Essay Example, Advantages and Disadvantages of Transport Essay Example, Discuss the Presentation of Women in the Great Gatsby. The arguments for compulsory voting state that there cannot be a fair election if groups of people fail to cast their ballots. As Norman Podhoretz explains, this is the price of immigration, a “brutal bargain” for the opportunity of a better life (Podhoretz). This is due to the fact that there will be more agreement amongst the people since their opinions have been put into consideration. Since 1961 marijuana has been illegal in the United States but in the 2012 election Colorado and Washington voters decided they wanted that to change. Of course, the range of arguments supporting compulsory voting is matched by a plethora of reasons why the U.S. should keep voting voluntary. Making voting mandatory would give politicians an opportunity to be honest and truthful during their campaigns. Opponents state that immigrants coming to the United States must always lose their previous culture from their country of origin, to be able to completely assimilate to and fully embrace American culture. Political votes are very important in America. ...Mandatory voting has a possibility of leading to random votes. Multiculturalism has led to a movement of anti-assimilation, which many Americans feel is in severe contrast to the true concept of their nation. We use to help you to rely on bees. There are too many risks that come with compulsory voting. This motto, selected by the Great Seal... ...Should voting be made mandatory? Get a free plagiarism report with your essays. The effort should be spent on making voting accessible to every American citizen. As the sizes of immigrant groups grow, their subcultural patterns and language are sustained, which prevents immigrants from learning English and therefore from functioning within the larger society. With such tight midterm races across the U.S., the motivation to vote was high and a sense of civic duty was strong. But if voting was required, some skeptics worry that citizens would no longer vote for these intrinsic reasons but instead vote out of a fear of being punished. America relies on the votes of citizens. Along with this marijuana is also a fun recreational drug that is used by many to create a fun social environment among friends. The arguments against claim that forcing individuals to cast ballots against their will can lead to empty votes, or donkey votes. It is vital for Americans to practice liberty. This side believes that multiculturalism weakens the “social bond” of the United States by denying that immigrants need to assimilate to the language and values of the country’s dominant culture. There are a number of reasons why people may not vote: a lack of understanding of politics, people being … It would not guarantee increased awareness or education of the issues, and it could make politicians and parties lazier. Publish Reliable Newspapers The issue of mandatory voting has been extant for over a century, and it is a complicated question of whether or not a government should impose so cumplusory measures upon its citizenry to enrure a high turnout. Although compulsory voting has not been implemented in many democratic governments, those that have adopted its method show very high voter turn out. Looking at the present scenario of other countries where compulsory voting is a part of the Constitution, my opinion stands reinforced. This means that if citizens were forced to vote there would be a large amount of uneducated random votes. The need of mandatory is immense for it will better represent the population of America, level the playing field of candidate parties, and it will give the incentive for more informed voting causing the better quality of voters. Some Republicans will oppose mandatory voting for the reason they now push voter IDs: to win. Voting is a very powerful tool in the hands of the voters and it is in them we trust, to pay attention to the beliefs and ideals that a person has, whom they are voting for. To remedy this they came up with 2 major reforms; the initiative, and direct primary. America relies on the votes of citizens. Unfortunately, this ideal is impossible without government intervention. Participating in our government is the single most important power that we as Americans have. Three of the main issues targeted by the progressives were democracy; social justice and equality; and economic reform. That is why mandatory voting laws should be adopted. Since 1924, Australia has been a leading example of how efficient mandatory voting can be when implemented properly. With voter participation rates falling below sixty percent, making voting mandatory would increase the percentage of those who vote. Living in America gives each person individual freedom. There are convincing arguments for both sides, and many gray areas inbetween. All of these issues were tackled on a local, state, and national level. in Your Comparison, You Should Take Into Account the Essay Example. When predicting the ramifications … Hindustan Times The arguments against claim that forcing individuals to cast ballots against their will can lead to empty votes, or donkey votes. 508 Words 3 Pages. d) Where did you find this information? They also believed that true democracy had been taken out of the Electoral College system. Most democratic governments consider participating in national elections a right of citizenship. Follow the precis format I gave to you in class). Also, some people physically can’t vote, even if they wanted to. Use on the Road to Help Illuminate Your Understanding of This Aspect of Fitzgerald's Characterisation. Voting is a realistic choice that a voter resolves to exercise when it is in their best interest to do so. These people came to be known as the "progressives." 1100 Words 4 Pages. Marijuana, or cannabis as it is more properly called can be used to treat pain relief, nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, and movement disorders. So compulsory voting is mandatory for a democracy to be a democracy. By enforcing voting we would be ensuring that the elections would show the beliefs of every eligible voter. Leaders are supposed to engage in policy formulation. Compulsory voting can achieve higher efficiency in politics, especially on local level. The side in opposition to multiculturalism firmly believes that it weakens America by keeping immigrants from adequately assimilating to the core values of America’s Anglo Protestant identity. The makeup of the electorate: What types of people were allowed and not allowed to vote? Consequently, not voting would result in a fine or even possible jail time. There have been many changes sense the early elections. (Look for facts rather than opinion). As more citizens vote, pressure for politicians to represent the beliefs of all voters’ increases, which can help determine the most dedicated candidate. It would be so easy for me to answer yes to that question; however, doing that would violate our unalienable rights of the constitution. “To be or not to be, that is the question,” says Hamlet in a soliloquy. However, voting should not be compulsory. Making voting mandatory will only make matters worse. If there was mandatory voting then people would have to vote even though they don’t want to. People that were allowed to vote in the early 1800's, were only men who owned land. b) Who is the author (if no author, who is the publisher)? Marijuana has very valuable medical use to patients suffering from some terminal diseases. Both sides of the issue have their reasons why mandatory-voting laws should or should not be passed. Making voting mandatory will only make matters worse. Pick articles that are from credible sources (PHS databases such as Gale, Ebsco, etc. Democracy deeply values individual freedom which means if compulsory voting was mandatory, It is a clear violation of liberty and the first amendment. If that does not sound like a big difference, then maybe this will. Those who believe that mandatory voting should become a law believe that it will bring the number of voters on Election Day to increase. A big difference could have been made in the 1994 election if all registered voters had voted. The idea of mandatory voting during U.S. elections is a much-debated topic in the United States. Liberty is the process of electing representatives that voice public issues. c) Why are they an authority on this subject? It would go a long way towards tackling social inequality. Topic: Voting should not be mandatory taxation, compulsory education, or jury duty). Whether or not we choose to exercise these rights is the decision that every American citizen makes. To start, mandatory voting will benefit the majority of the people because there will be a better representation of societies’ views. Many either can not because it is too hard, or do not because they believe it is too hard. a) Title of the article: “Mandatory Voting Anti-Poor” Compulsory voting has been a part of Belgium's Constitution since 1892. Bold your answers! Many arguments exist to prove or disprove the importance of compulsory voting. When mandatory voting is not part of a country’s laws, then voter participation can be very low. Voting ensures people that people learn about their position with respect to issues which are critically important for the national growth and development. Although compulsory voting could be difficult to enforce and may infringe upon the rights of citizens who do not wish to vote, a compulsory voting plan should be implemented in every democratic government because it broadens representation in government, ensures a true democracy, and decreases risk of political instability. Need help with essay? Essays on Compulsory Voting. Everyone in America has freedom that cannot be … Follow this link: to hire an expert essay writer to get your paper done in few hours. Campaign practices: How did candidates organize their campaigns and make themselves known to the people? Aside from the violence inherent in the system, mandatory voting has conceptual problems. In a democratic nation like India, I believe every individual should have his or her own judgment when comes to voting. This provided that each political party was to decide their candidates... ...Multiculturalism in the United States g) Create a précis for this source: (This should be a coherent 4 sentence summary paragraph. Every citizen has the right to vote, yet so many people don’t vote, with the turnout at just 64% for the 2008 presidential election, and voter turnout rates decreasing steadily in most established democracies. Total price: $ 12.99. By creating a law forcing people to vote it would make the elections truly valid and protect the integrity of our elections. Political votes are very important in America. Thus, having mandatory voting won’t really help the community if there will be a large amount of random votes from apolitical and uneducated citizens.... ...debated, whether or not voting should be compulsory in local and national elections in the United States. After that came the era of good feelings which in that time no political parties existed. Some say that if the full range of voters actually voted, our political leaders would become more responsive the younger generations, and those who... ...the idea of mandatory voting could be used to help get the voice of the whole nation out. As more citizens vote, pressure for politicians to represent the beliefs of all voters’ increases, which can help determine the most dedicated candidate. Looking at the present scenario of other countries where compulsory voting is a part of the Constitution, my opinion stands reinforced. This is an article of faith, not fact. Arguments in Favor. Using the internet, find at least two articles on your topic. It would help the country to get back on the track that the forefathers set up for all citizens. Also, if citizens were to be fined for not voting they might just check off any name on the ballot paper to avoid being fined. Why Compulsory Voting S Beneficial ... Why Compulsory Voting Should Be Implemented in America . “To be or not to be, that is the question,” says Hamlet in a soliloquy. Mandatory voting has many benefits that would … There are many reasons why citizens choose not to vote. ...Should voting be mandatory? It is because I agree with Jason Brennan in this position that mandatory voting would be an invasion of our freedom and would cause ignorant voting. It is frightening how many of us today have closed ourselves off from the so-vital process of learning about candidates for office and making our voting selections based on actual information (as opposed to sound bites and attack ads) and/or not voting at all. The arguments for compulsory voting state that there cannot be a fair election if groups of people fail to cast their ballots. Order Now. Making voting mandatory for all citizens, is debated to be something that could be either positive or negative. Background of candidates: How were Adams’s and Jackson’s backgrounds different, and how did they compare to those of earlier presidents? Mandatory voting has a possibility of leading to random votes because many citizens are either uneducated about politics or they are apolitical, meaning that they don’t care about politics. In text 2, lines 28 and 29 Maria Gretschew also states, “Voters who are voting against their free will may check off a candidate at random particularly the top candidate on the ballot paper”. Therefore, voting should not be compulsory in local and national elections in the United States. If you think that your one vote does not matter, you are wrong. This fact can compel local politicians to care about small, but very important issues for some people. In this paper, I will make an argument for the implementation of compulsory voting (compulsory attendance) in … ; credible news organizations like The New York Times, CNN, etc; or reliable websites from .gov or .edu are required) and answer the following questions: Out of 35 peer countries, the United States ranks 28th in terms of total voter turnout. Therefore, voting should not be compulsory in local and national elections in the United States. There are too many risks that come with compulsory voting. Politicians will have more support and run less targeted campaigns designed to attract voters in a specific groups. Especially if they meet a hot academic season and have a job Should Voting Be Made Mandatory Essay In English for making some money at the same time. We know this as "ballot measures" or "propositions." They determine who will run that states, or even the entire nation as a whole. Compulsory Voting 11 Pages . According to the Atlantic Monthly, the Republicans’ share of votes would have been reduced by 2.8% if all eligible or registered citizens would have voted. Not turning up for voting without a valid... ...election process had changed from that of earlier elections, and describe the long-term effects it had on the political process in the United States. As a democracy, we should have the right to choose if we want to vote or not. ...Should voting be made mandatory? Both sides strive for acceptance, each claiming to outweigh the other, but before casting judgment on either side of the argument, it is important to understand the most prominent pros and cons of each to decide why compulsory voting would do more harm than good. One of the biggest compulsory voting pros is that more voters are communicating their desires through the voting process.

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