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prayer against spirit of stealing

If there is one battle verse that will move God the Father to want to take on your extreme situation, it has to be these first two verses. I also need the Lord to fight for my son Courage to get his job back. so many young are being tempted and trapped by the enemies. He lost the job due to mistakes he made and sincerely asking for forgiveness from the Lord and Managers. ( Log Out /  Jezebel spirit tries to : Steal your peace, joy, & confidence Kill you with sickness & accidents and dismantal you with depression & fear/ Pray Against the Jezebel Praying Against you: Before Prayer: 1. Father, in Jesus precious name, I pray that the Spirit of Elijah will rise up within me to expose the spirit of Jezebel in the Body of Christ. This morning I was search for Gods comforting words. Due to the extreme seriousness of this type of situation and the battle verses that you will have to put into this type of warfare prayer, I would either type or hand write all of this out and then read it back to the Lord to make sure you cover all of your bases with Him. Change ). This is a perfect example of how demons can actually get other people to do their evil bidding for them based upon the wording of the above verse. ( Log Out /  Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. How fallen angels and evil humans can sink down into this level of pure evil is simply beyond human comprehension. Father, I am now going to quote these two battle verses back to You. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray. One day after I received a call and indeed a friend had saved him from great trouble and had taken him away quickly. A Prayer for Racial Justice. Next, go through each room and anoint it and pray the spiritual warfare cleansing prayer (anoint doors, windows, bed, furniture, electrical sockets, TV’s, etc. Prayer against witchcraft attacks protect you from evil spirits that battle against your mind. God Bless!!! The first two verses I will mention below in the battle prayer itself are the top two battle verses in all of the Old Testament. For the life of me, I do not know how any parent can deal with the pain and trauma of something so evil and so horrific. House Cleansing Prayer. To God be all the glory! Truly Blessed in Jesus name Amen. The more God is blessing you, the more the thieves are attracted to you. 47. This is where you really get into some of the heavier types of spiritual warfare cases. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. God is so concerned about your dreams. Battle Verses Against Demonic Attacks, Thank you so much for this guidance I have always needed a strong prayer to rightfully gain back a stolen piece of land that was encroached on from two sides and am glad I found this prayer, I call upon the Lord to go to war for and fight against the evil in these people may the leave what is mine and work hard to gain their own cover my land in your precious blood and put a conviction on them to never rest until they return what is mine, turn from their evil ways and fully worship you Lord instead of their satanic powers I cover my self and my family under your precious blood Jesus amen. You evil spirit of stealing, go away from us in the name of Jesus! We vow that from now on, we shall pay our tithes to a local church. Thank you so much my brother in christ. the guy (Clement) has been caught… and though he’s not saying where the money is yet, I believe he will let us know. I believe that our God is mighty to save and He will surely restore all that the enemy has stolen from us! You need to have a good job or business. Let’s pray: “Dear Heavenly Father, we ask for forgiveness for stealing from You. Do not let her go home to be with You before it is her time to actually do so. That God Almighty Himself, ruler of all of heaven and earth, can personally take on an extreme situation that may have just come your way, and then personally go to to war on your behalf to bring total victory and deliverance to the situation just like He did with King David in the above story. Father, in the name of Jesus, I now ask that You perfectly protect this child as she journeys through this life so she can fully accomplish everything that You would like for her to do for You. Try and understand this: a spirit of wicthcraft can never repent, it can never be pacified. May these prayers for protection strengthen your faith and bring you peace and safety. Any evil spirit chasing good things away from me through dream, die by fire in the name of Jesus. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now plead the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ over every inch of my daughter’s body, over every inch of her soul, and over every inch of her spirit. For the purposes of this article, I am going to concentrate on example number one, where your daughter has just been abducted by a sexual predator. We take back our inheritance, that you stole. Burn this incredibly powerful story from our Bible into your memory banks in the event that you are ever forced to face this kind of extreme dilemma. He deceives people that he is kind, helpful and funny. You will need to quote these verses back to God the Father in your battle prayer to Him, and you will also have to ask Him to move off the specific wording of these verses. The mission of the devil is to steal,kill and destroy, but we must resist him by praying him out of our life and families. GOD IS GOOD and faithfyl. We resist you! If God moved for King David to recover every single man, woman, and child that was stolen from him by the evil Amalekites, then God can do the exact same thing for any of you since He is no respecter of persons and He is the same today as He was yesterday. “Will man rob God? I am totally helpless in this situation. This is natural. Thabk you for taking time to help people how to pray. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Here are some specific examples of how the devil is continuing to operate in this horrific realm in this day and age: The first thing you will notice is that these are all cases where the person has actually been “stolen” from us and they are now caught behind enemy lines. With the kind of pure evil that seems to keep getting stronger and growing wider across both our country and the rest of the world, you never know when you will wake up and find yourself having to confront this kind of extreme adversity. The Lord will make everything new and we shall live in victory. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” In … now the world is full of lies and deception. To steal it means to come secretly and gradually taking something that does not belong to you. July 18,2020 We destroy every covenant that was made against our material and spiritual wealth. i find it so strong message that i even touch by the power of his words. We have three adult children and six grandchildren. Oh, my prayer is that the Holy Spirit will convict of this sin of stealing, causing each heart to be broken before God in repentance, for then and only then will it be evident that the precious blood of Christ has cleansed you from this sin. Your heartfelt passion and intense desire for the recovery of your daughter may be the thing that will get God to want to move as a Man of War on this type of extreme situation. My daughter’s life is now in Your mighty hands. Amen and Amen. He wants us to be totally free in our mind, free in our will, Prepare me O Lord for all mental attacks that the enemy will attempt to throw at me. Enter your email address to follow Father's Call and receive notifications of new posts by email. Come and do what Only You can do…, Just to give an update… I have a lot of personal info on it that I need (not credit card stuff or anything but things that help me curb my anxiety like voice recordings and stuff) and now I don’t have it and my anxiety is skyrocketing. These first two verses will tell us two very powerful things about God the Father: Think of the implications and ramifications of this statement. I pray that this test will become a testimony for you to share with others in similar circumstances, to encourage them! Protect your testimony and your reputation. Please provide jobs for us. They feel that the rich ones should be punished for their wealth. Then i Got your article in google. I Love this prayer. The more foolish and ignorant the owner is of what belongs to him, the easier is for the thief to steal. “Now it happened, when David and his men came to Ziklag, on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the South and Ziklag, attacked Ziklag and burned it with fire, and had taken captive the women and those who were there, from small to great; they did not kill anyone, but carried them away and went their way. The devil and his agents want to steal your peace, joy, testimony and the Word of God from your memory. This prayer is according to my eyes, the perfect form of prayer. All evil spirits are defying God. The grieving was so bad, that some of them wanted to stone David and kill him right there on the spot. All I ask you to do, is to agree with me as I pray, and together we will seek our Heavenly Father. Command the power behind isis to die this month. This is what I will call “DISCOVERY FOR RECOVERY” Thank you for the inspirational article. Give her a second chance to live again. His intent was pure malice and greed.One day I felt like going in line and look for war prayers. “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms; “God is a just judge, and God is angry with the wicked every day. I was running to get home and my iPhone fell out of my pocket. He needs a second chance but seems something is blocking the opportunity. If God is no respecter of persons and He is the same today as He was yesterday, then this means that God can do the exact same thing for any of you who might have had someone or something stolen by the enemy. : In the mighty name of Jesus I overthrow all transaction contrary to my breakthrough, every power jamming answers to my prayers disappear, by the blood of Jesus I shake down the seat of darkness in my heavens, I reject the power of satanic human government over my finances IN THE NAME OF … So David and his men came to the city, and there it was, burned with fire; and their wives, their sons, and their daughters had been taken captive. Amen.”. Lord God, Captain of my heart, Satan knows if I follow Your … Bless the work of our hands. I felt God’s power and anointing all over them and felt they were both a major key in being able to get God to take on these kinds of heavier assignments. thanks for sharing the encouraging words and life story may God bless you all in jesus name.Amen and Amen. God, go and fight for me as am helpless, lead the authorities that your people have selected to catch up with him, and let him be punished by you God, let him be ashamed and give his life to Christ, for your kingdom is not for such people. It is the prayer where you leave all to the will of the Supreme , the supreme which can be equated to anything depending on your background, words/concepts like nature, the universe, an higher intelligence or a higher power, buddha-nature, God, Allah or what have you. God can use even negative and painful events to bring something good from it. Now, command any wicked presence no longer has authority in this room and my house. Christ Jesus died for our FREEDOM (Galatians 5:1). Then David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters, but David strengthened himself in the Lord his God. One thing each must remember is that God loves the person that is doing evil. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I BELIEVE THAT I RECEIVE WHAT I HAVE ASK FOR IN JESUS NAME! I was born in Romania. Father God, by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break any assignment of every evil spirit to this space. I ask that You move now Lord with Your mighty angels at Your side to come against this evil predator and any demons who are operating on him to commit this unholy and abominable act against both You and my own flesh-and-blood daughter. A confirmed thief is a child of the devil. I once again thank my saviour Jesus christ my lord of life. ( Log Out /  We vow to give You alone all the glory! We receive the eternal abundant life of Jesus! My heart and faith never seems to go astray no matter what people. Here is the specific verse from our Bible that will show us that Satan and his demons will try and do this whenever they can: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” (John 10:10). It’s an iPhone 5s, white, and has a blue phone case. I would recommend that you do it at least once per month, most preferably on the first day of each month. I set out to pray for 3 days based on the prayer topics in this article. Ephesians 6:12 (NIV) For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. There are many weapons he will use against you because of your faith and love for Jesus. May the Almighty God increase the anointing on your life as bring hope into our lives. Pray this prayer of protection. A Prayer to Guard Your Heart. The Lord will keep you and all yours and continue to use you to bless the body of Christ. Lord, let me know if there is anything specific that either I or any of the other members of my family can do on our end to assist You in this miraculous recovery. Heavenly Father, thank You for the authority to battle against the controlling powers of witchcraft that attack me. Lord, here are the special battle verses I now want to quote back to You: Now is the time to move. Afolabi Olubola, One of the things I have learned about the Lord on my own personal journey with Him is that He does have flair for the dramatic and that He does bleed and weep when He sees these kinds of extreme situations occurring in our fallen world. Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that You personally come against this evil man. I decree and declare that the devil is destroyed and all his works have been exposed go forth mighty angels and help authority wipe out all the evil that the devil has unleashed apon us. The enemy has the right to steal your dream life and disconnect you from heavens. 50. And David’s two wives … had been taken captive. Just reading it has given me vindication and hope against a sinister enemy. When out of fear we are frozen into inaction, Give us a spirit of bravery, O Lord. It is the spirit of divination (Ez 21:21), the spirit of the massive destroyer. The Bible tells us that Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. The Names of Jesus: Who is Jesus According to the Scriptures? I know the other which he has taken fraudulently shall be returned back to me in the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen. I now plead the blood of Jesus against any demonic spirits who may want to try and come against her. After I give you the verses where this incredible story is coming from, I will then give you an example of how you can form out your own personal battle prayer to the Lord to get Him to move very quickly on this kind of extreme situation so He can save the life of your loved one. I’m really panicking. Its what I have been looking for in the last 8years. When the Bible says, pray for your enemies, it does not say, pray for demons. The next thing that occurred is that David and all his men wept profusely once they had found out what had occurred. Then David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept, unto they had no more power to weep. THE HOLY SPIRIT SAID THE FAST-BREAKING PRAYERS SHOULD BE CONVERTED TO DELIVERANCE SERVICE. Father, as You already know, my daughter just been abducted. Thank you for putting out the word of God and guiding us ,through Christ , to reclaim what the enemy is stolen from us . The truth is, you can joke with any other things but you cannot joke with your dreams. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. prayer against rebellion, deliverance prayers to break spirit of rebellion, scriptures on overcoming rebellion, bible verses against rebellion spirit. Since we are dealing with a time delay, I also ask that You fully protect my daughter and keep this predator from killing her before she is actually located. the message is timely, esp. Be careful! It can affect any person. Our God is a mighty Man of War and He will go into battle for you if you will just learn how to apply some of the basics in this area of our walk with Him. 4. ( Log Out /  For those of you who have never formed out this kind of a special battle prayer to deal with this kind of extreme adversity, below is a sample type battle prayer you can draw up to go to the Lord with. We destroy every connection we have made with the evil spirit of stealing. Any believer with no knowledge of warfare prayer is still joking. God will do what he says, God watches over His word to see that it is performed and it will not return void unto him. Take this battle up for myself, my wife, and all of our family members and friends who love our daughter with all of their hearts and all of their souls. Let Your will be done in our life, Lord of restoration. Thank you for your prayers. God richly bless you always!!! This prayer has come about as a result of more specific and direct attacks from satan and his forces that my family and I have experienced very recently. What I will give you in this article can also apply to any one of the above examples or anything else similar that you may be dealing with on your end. This is just pure evil beyond anything our rational minds can even begin to comprehend. We started a church in Warri Nigeria. Today I arise in victory against all spirits of harassment, in the powerful and majestic name of Jesus! Prayers (and videos). I ask, in the name of Your Son Jesus, that You take each one of these battle verses to heart and move off the wording of these verses to save my daughter and rescue her from the clutches of this evil predator. When we try our best but say the wrong things, Give us a spirit of humility, O Lord. We hate you! Thank you so much for these power parked prayers. Thanks so much for this. What you are seeing are demons influencing these predators to first steal the child and then kill them after they have had their way with them. Immediately I felt peace and was at peace. I cried, repented, went through the prayer reading the verses loudly crying out. Used by permission. 21 Shares. Amen. Copyright © 2005-2019 by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley, When You Struggle to Balance God’s Need to Judge Sin with His Love, How to Pick a Fight: What the Word of God Says About Choosing Your Battles Wisely, Biblical Solutions to Your Everyday Problems. I really thank God for his faithfulness. Now is the time to move off the specific wording of these verses. We cut off the lying spirit … In Jesus name, amen! Amen.” These are power-filled words that will distance you from this assault. In the article we have in the Spiritual Warfare section of our site titled, “4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Spirits,” I gave you the 4 basic levels in which demonic spirits can attack people – which includes all Christians. Burn this Bible story into your memory banks in the event you are ever forced to deal with this kind of tragedy where one of your loved ones has been stolen by the enemy, and then kept behind enemy lines like what has been described in the above examples. In other words, he got back up, told himself he was not going to give up or give in, and immediately connected back up to the Lord so he could get his guidance from Him as to what he should do next to properly handle this problem. And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them; David recovered all.” (1 Samuel 30: 1-8, 18-19). FOR I HAVE TOUCHED THE HEM OF HIS GARMENTAND HIS BLOOD HAS MADE ME WHOLE. I woke up at 5am and looked for a prayer and this is what I got. 3. I decree in the name of Jesus, and you will be liberated today, the enemy that has been assigned to destroy your destiny will die today in the name of Jesus. deed touched my life by your spiritual guidance and a sense of direction. Time is now of the essence. Break any barrier that blocks me from being close … We ask that You please have mercy on both our daughter and our family and bring her safely back home so we can all be reunited with her. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc I was going to through a tough time when someone wanted to keeps items I have bought from him. Now is the time to move off these battle verses. I remember when I first saw them, they just blew off the page at me. 48. In this way they feel less guilty for companies have no voice, no heart and no face. What this means for all Christians is that God can still miraculously move into the situation to actually rescue your loved one before it becomes too late. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (Jn 10:10). Through Jesus’s name Amen. The devil is called ‘the thief’. Here is a short, but very powerful story from our Bible that will perfectly apply to some of the extreme examples just mentioned above. Yes this happen to my grandson as well a mistake were they wanted them to work in the dark were they was no electricity pitch black so he left the job for his safety the flooring was slipperyso that was abandonment to them and not safety, Thanks to the writer, you in. If you habitually refuse to pay your tithe and you are happy like that, then you steal from God. Please pray, thank you so much. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. By going to the extra length to actually hand write or type all of this kind of prayer out so you can make sure you cover everything that you will need to cover with Him, this will show God that you mean serious business with Him and that you are doing everything you possibly can to try and get Him to move on this situation. Much stolen, I am praying that God will pour out conviction on the person so strong that they cannot eat or sleep and every thing must be returned, restoration made. I shall pray that you have peace no matter the circumstances… The thief can steal your money but cannot steal your soul! In other words, if God does not directly move on these kinds of extreme situations within a very short period of time, the person could end up dying with what they have just fallen into. Scripture taken from New King James So David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. As i started reading the article I felt the presence of the holy spirit in me. Heavenly father I ask that you make everything new and help our children and families in what the enemies have stolen come back to us. Our God is still a mighty God of miracles and He can be moved to want to answer our prayers, no matter now dire and how hopeless the situation may appear to us in the natural. Put on the armor of God. Battle is ours. Amen. This specific article will be dealing with the second level – which is when demons are allowed to attack as a result of a legal right given to … We vow that from now on, we shall pay our tithes to a local church. And then what does David do next? Thank you so much for taking the time to write all these verses/articles and helping us to know our position in the Lord. Pray against the spirit of the destroyer, which comes through violence, terrorism and various types of seduction. We vow to be generous with others. In Jesus name we pray, amen!”. Father God, I come to you in Jesus Name p utting on Your full armor, so that I can take my stand against the devil’s schemes. As a child of God you shall have no peace if you steal from God! There is no act of sorcery that does not have its root or link with witchcraft. I pray for you, it will not locate your household, in Jesus name. We want to work with our hands. I have been led by the spirit of God to write these spiritual warfare prayers against enemies because God wants to deliver people from the shackles of their enemies. The spirit is trying to steal, kill, and destroy you - through gossip, slander, befaming you. Only You Father knows who this evil predator is and how we can find him. Change our hearts, Oh, Lord! May god bless you and use your ministry mightly for his glory. He does not care if you become poor so that he becomes rich thru your loss. Just adjust the wording accordingly in the strategies and battle prayer that I will give you below. In some of these cases, the captivity will be so extreme, that only the power of God will be able to rescue and deliver these people from the pure evil they have just fallen into. Don’t be afraid to cry, weep, and pour out everything that you are feeling and going through with the Lord. Remain blessed in the name of JESUS Amen, pray for me and my family someone has taken our identities and pray that we will learn how to get our identities back also pray for all the stealing they stole our bank accounts are false our vehicles are insurance policies just pray that all truth will come out thank you. Father’s House Bible Church Warri Nigeria. Amen, I want to thank you for helping me to get closer to GOD from the prayer that you presented to me. For the record, we keep getting more and more reports from people all around the world who are getting delivered off the information we have in our Spiritual Warfare section. The spirit of madness is a very serious thing that we must wage war against. We loose the prophecy of Micaiah against you! If you will notice in this kind of dramatic and intense prayer, what you will want to do is pour out your entire heart and your entire soul to the Lord. For those of you who watch a lot of the cable news programs, one of the things that you will see reported on a regular basis is the abduction of many of our young daughters and sons by sexual predators. This is when you will literally go to war with your situation just like David did on the above story, and just like he did when he took on and defeated Goliath. I will list 20 rock, solid, battle verses that you can include in your own personal battle prayer to the Lord when dealing with this type of extreme situation in the actual battle prayer itself listed below. I will now end this article with one last bit of advice. O Lord, let the weapons of familiar spirits turn against them, in the name of Jesus. Our God is Awesome. Prayer Against Allowing Any Spirit Of Compromise In Your Life. Stop this man, and stop these demons dead in their tracks right now so they will not do any further harm to my daughter.

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