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But the neighbour stuck to his view which was his father’s before him. These lines bring out the idea that man is often a prisoner of tradition. The work of hunters is another thing: I have come after them and made repair. There where it is we do not need the wall: And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him. In terms of form, “Mending Wall” … The neighbour is an old, conservative farmer. The fence or wall here has s symbolic significance. Q. But the poem is not as simple as that. The neighbour has a closed mind, as he sticks to his father’s maxim that good fences make good neighbours. When the neighbour walks towards the wall with stones in his hands, he looks like a savage of the stone – age. But at spring mending-time we find them there. What does the poet mean by Let my country awake? The final view emerging out of the poem is that walls are unnecessary. Ans. The word "mending" can be a verb, making the poem a record of the repair process completed upon the broken stone barrier. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry four times. They are a symbol of savage thinking, so we should demolish all kinds of walls. They fix a day to mend the wall, each keeps to his side of wall. To drive rabbits out of their hiding places the hunters deliberately create gaps in walls. The poet wants the wall to be demolished. The speaker dislikes having the wall between the two fields. The recognition of the different views held by the speaker and his neighbor becomes a source for the ambivalence commonly noted in Frost's poetry and advocated by the poet as well. In this simple and gentle view of rebuilding the wall, comes an element of sadness, when Frost must challenge the reasoning behind the wall. The Poet says that there is no need of wall between their farms. Mending Wall By Robert Frost. Q.1. It is a dramatic lyric and a monologue. The wall symbolises all kinds of man-made barriers. Robert Frost 'Mending Wall' was written and published by Robert Frost in 1914 in an influential collection of poems titled North of Boston.Throughout much of his career, a … Hunters pull them down to help their dogs to chase rabbits. He only says, ‘Good fences make good neighbors.’. An appealing aspect of “Mending Wall” is They decide to set those stones that have fallen to each other’s side. Post a comment. Q. It also symbolizes national, racial, religious, political and economic barriers which divide man from man and come in the way of mutual understanding and universal brotherhood. Finally, this poem suggests that walls are unnecessary and we should demolish all kinds of walls whether they are social, political, ideological, religious or national walls. He doesn’t like walls that divide from one another. But his neighbour advocates the idea of raising wall. Trees cannot trees pass into other man’s farm. Explain the line, ‘He is all pine and I am apple orchard’. The poet says that there is no need of a wall between his farm and that of his neighbour’s. The first view is expressed by the poet’s neighbour. Then the poet imagines what it could be. The neighbour refuses to examine the true purpose of his father’s saying. One grows pine trees and the other apple trees, so there’s no need to divide because, as the speaker says, “My apples will never get across and eat the cones under his pines.”. Q. In the beginning, the speaker states that, something there is that doesn’t love a wall. He makes fun of his neighbour saying that he looks like an old-stone savage while carrying a big stone. How about receiving a customized one? : The onset of spring is the mending time described by the poet for dislodged wall. The lines quoted above have been taken from Frost’s poem ‘Mending Wall’. The Poet says mockingly that they have to use magic to balance them. What is ironic about the speaker in Mending Wall for helping to maintain the wall?Answer:- The speaker in “Mending Wall” tries to maintain the wall, but he does not see any point in having a wall. Something there is that does not love a wall. It is a dramatic lyric or a monologue. character sketch of moti guj and deesa in the short story moti guj –mutineer. : The speaker is a person who is a lover of humanity. Q. It is a stimulating and interesting poem about human boundaries or limitations and their benefits in … One has grown pine on his side and the other has an apple orchard. He contemplates as he wonders what role the stone wall actually serves between him and his neighbour. Every year at the beginning of spring season they meet and mend the wall. The wall acted as an instrument to get them together, as they would meet to mend it annually. He is so conventional that he does not even want to listen to why there is no need of a wall. Enter your email address below to subscribe to our newsletter, Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. As the poem progresses, the speaker discusses how all kinds of natural forces, including the land and animals, conspire every winter to knock down the wall. At first glance, the poem seems harmless and innocent, whereby Frost’s character questions the need for a wall to be in place – a wall that he feels symbolises the barriers of communication that people put up around themselves and other people. The lines quoted above have been taken from Frost’s poem ‘Mending Wall’. Spring is the season when the damages caused by winter have to be repaired. The central idea of the poem is that walls are unnecessary. He wants that his neighbour could say such thing to himself. His neigh… The speaker in the poem, the poet himself, and his neighbour, get together every spring to repair the stone wall between their respective properties. Wall is a symbol of every kind of barrier that man has created between each other. The mischievous elves are also responsible for causing damage to the walls in winter. He says that there is perhaps some mysterious power that does not love a wall. Q. He does not want to mend the wall because he thinks that wall is a symbol of discrimination as it divides. Write a critical appreciation of Mending Wall exploring how far you think that Frost uses his observations of a simple rural event to make a significant conclusion. The opening line of the poem brings out the idea that all walls are unnatural, as they divide. Reading the poem feels exactly like peeling an onion. The mending wall Who wrote the poem the mending wall? Q. Thus “Mending wall” is a symbolic interpretation of the modern situation. It relates the speaker's neighbor to a "old-stone savage" and runs through the whole poem. The poet narrates his annual experience with his neighbour whose farm of pine trees adjoins the poet’s apple orchard. He grows apples in his orchard and his neighbours have pine trees. As a result of it every year some portion of the wall falls down. What impression do you form of the speaker and why? They are a symbol of savage thinking and darkness of heart. That’s wants it down” I could say “Elves” to him, But it’s not elves exactly and I’d rather, Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top, In each hand, like an old-stone strange armed.”. The tone is marked by the narrator’s frustration when he sees the wall broken. So there is no need of a wall between their farms. The Poet wonders how he could be able to make his neighbour understand his point of view. 4. In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed”. He says that there could be a need of wall only if they had cows or other animals. Frost – heave breaks them. Mending Wall by Robert Frost. No one has seen them made or heard them made. Poet grows apples and his neighbour has pines. Comparison of the poem with "Neighbour" by Ian Crichton Smith. But with the onset of spring, when they meet to mend the wall, they notice these gaps. What the poet here tries to say is that the Wall is an unnecessary thing. Ironically, however, we end up learning more about Frost and the issues he has, leading him to be in the constant state of anger and bitterness. “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall. But here there are no cows. : ‘Mending Wall’ is a poem based on a small incident. The speaker in the poem, the poet himself, and his neighbour, get together every spring to repair the stone wall between their respective properties. Much anthologized, the poem has almost come to symbolize Frost, for good or ill. On a visit to Moscow in 1962, nearly 50 years after the poem’s first publication, Frost said, “People are frequently misunderstanding [the poem] or misinterpreting it. This can be detected throughout lines 11-15, where the use of a regular iambic rhythm is used to create a sense of repetition toward rebuilding the wall. After all, his apple trees could not eat his neighbour’s pine cones. What does the wall in the Mending Wall symbolize?Answer:- The wall in the poem’ Mending Wall’ symbolizes two points of view from two separate persons, one from the speaker and the other from his neighbour. But every year, some portion of the wall falls down. Thus Nature, human beings and supernatural beings hate walls. The poet has created the casual and informal effect of conversation. Robert Frost is one of the most beloved poets of America. He thinks that the ideas of his ancestors are very good. The Poet says that his neighbour is not like him. He says that this mending wall is just like an outdoor game. Whilst looking at the poem from this point of view, we can suggest that Frost builds the wall for the wall’s own sake – he sees it as yearly task which must be carried out, in somewhat a ceremonial fashion. This poem presents sharp contrasts between two views, the one which advocates the idea of raising a wall and the other which make a protest against this idea. He seems to think there should be separation. We should demolish all kinds of walls. The wall, which serves as a barrier of communication between the neighbours, means that Frost is never able to gain the neighbours’ thoughts or opinion. The opposition between observer and observed--and the tension produced by the observer's awareness of the difference--is crucial to the poem. The poet gives both sides of the argument for and against walls. Yet the neighbour is still persistent in his maintenance, Q. Attempt a critical appreciation of the following poem, comparing and contrasting it with "Mending Wall" Neighbour Iain Crichton Smith Build me a bridge over the stream to my neighbour’s house where he is standing in dungarees in the fresh morning. : The Poet says that he has an apple orchard and his neighbour has a farm of pine trees. Who is the speaker in the poem Mending Wall?Answer:- The poem “Mending Wall” is about two rural neighbours who had a wall dividing them. How do the hunters damage the wall in mending wall?Answer:- By knocking down parts of the wall, the hunters kill hiding places for the rabbits, making it easier for their dogs to catch them. There is a wall between them. Walls are a symbol of savage thinking and we should demolish all kinds of walls, whether they are political, religious, ideological or national. Not only is the wall literal but it is also metaphorical. Why does the mending of the wall by the speaker and his Neighbour appear to be an outdoor game?Answer:- The speaker here implies that making a wall isn’t natural; after all, the only man constructs boundaries. The poem contains a total of 46 lines. But sometimes, it is unknown. Like many of the poems in North of Boston, "Mending Wall" narrates a story drawn from rural New England. Robert frost What years did Robert frost live? The Poem contains the idea that walls are unnecessary we should demolish all kinds of walls whether they are social, political, ideological, religious or national. The other, the poet himself, does not consider the fences at all necessary at that particular place. The Poet says that it is not only he who does not love a wall but perhaps there is some mysterious force that also does not like the idea of the raising of a wall. The speaker suggests there are two types of people, those who want walls and those who don’t. To summarise: ‘Mending Wall’ is a poem about two neighbours coming together each spring to mend the wall that separates their two properties. He feels like saying that even elves hate walls, but prefers his neighbour to realize it himself. Why did Robert Frost write Mending Wall?Answer:- “Mending Wall” was published in the North of Boston in 1914. Who initiates the mending of the wall?Answer:-The speaker of the poem is the one who initiates the mending of the wall. The poet felt like arguing further. The poet feels that repairing the wall is as futile as a game, as his apple orchard and his neighbour’s pinewood cannot damage each other. The poem is about two neighbours who have a wall between their land. The poem can be viewed from two very different angles, both which raise very different conclusions. What is the message of the Mending Wall?Answer:- A generally accepted theme of the poem “The Mending Wall” concerns the self-imposed obstacles preventing human contact. The reader analyses, philosophizes and goes deep inside in search of a definite conclusion which he fails to find. Wall is needed where there are cows. Something in him doesn’t love it What causes the rocks to fall out? Q. What the poet tries to say is that it is not only the poet who does not like a wall but also some mysterious force. The poet says that every year some portion of the wall falls down. The title refers to the task that the speaker of the poem and his neighbour perform in repairing the wall between their two farms. In his poem, “Mending Wall”, Robert Frost presents two gentlemen and their yearly effort to fix a wall that separates their home. But his neighbour replies that good fences make good neighbours. There is a wall that divides both these farms. The poem “Mending Wall” by the prominent American poet Robert Frost has often been viewed as one of his favorite pieces of verse. It is a dramatic lyric and a monologue. The neighbour says that good fences make good neighbours. Q. We can assume that the narrator is unreliable because his words and his actions do not coincide. He starts his poem in a delightful way saying that there is something that does not like a wall. It is better that he should understand it. 1. Tags. The final view emerging out of the poem is that walls are unnecessary. The Poet wants his neighbour to understand his point of view but the latter repeats, again and again, his father’s saying: ‘Good fences make good neighbour’. What qualities does the poet expect in his countrymen? Mending Wall is a true Robert Frost poem which analyses the nature of human relationships. There is a wall that divides these two farms. It is a dramatic lyric and a monologue. What does the title mending wall mean?Answer:- The word “mending” is used as a verb in Mending Wall by Robert Frost. What, according to the poet, are the causes for walls breaking down?Answer:- The poet says that there is something in the world that does not love a wall. It comes to little more:”. : The poet begins the poem with the line: “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall”. Q. What kind of fear is the poet talking about? Walls are a symbol of savage thinking and we should demolish all kinds of walls, whether they are political, religious, ideological or national. Frost feels that repairing the wall is meaningless. The poem presents a sharp contrast between two views, the one which advocates the idea of raising walls and other which makes a protest against this idea. It could be argued that Frost takes on a completely different persona, one with a superiority complex that sees Frost wrapped up in his own selfish misunderstanding of the neighbour’s personality. You want to justify your viewpoint that … This idea of innocence is repeated throughout the poem. Q. He has earned worldwide respect and fame. : The two neighbours in the poem are two farmers. Thus, the poem presents a sharp contrast between the two viewpoints. But neither he nor the poet has cows. Literally, what this means simply is that nature (the speaker says) doesn’t like walls. Essay Example #4538, Robert Frost Essay Research Paper Frost Robert, Death In Frostian Poems Essay Research Paper, Study Of Demographic Profile Of The Respondents Accounting Essay, Experiment 14: Determination of an Equilibrium Constant, Lee Rudd Encounters of a third kind Essay, You arrived very late for an important event: describe what happened and how you felt about it Essay.

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