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average bat speed for 13 year old softball

The average high school baseball hitter has bat speed in the upper fifties or lower sixties. The reason why he is such a great hitter is because he gets the barrel of his bat into the path of the ball quickly, and keeps it there for a long time. In short, the majority are using a 33/30 with a close second to a 32/29. The answer to that question is "both," though past players tend to have used heavier bats than do today's players. Begin in … I am often asked about average bat speeds for baseball and softball hitters. To be clear, we consider ‘good’ 12-year-olds in the top 10 percent of HitTrax hitters. Most of these devices are highly accurate. Using objective bat speed measurement is a credible starting point to convince hitters why they need to change the way they hit. At this level, it is more important for young hitters to work on learning and practicing the correct hitting mechanics, without worrying about bat speed. ... 13-14: 15-16: Length: 24"-26" 26"-28" 28"-29" 30"-31" 31"-32" 32"-33" ... which will then increase batting average. How Did These Hitters Improve Their Bat Speed So Much in Thirty Days? OBP: .450; Slugging: .550 (minimum 2 at bats … But, that’s for all star caliber players…and with a running start. There is a lack of research on the average bat speeds of Little Leaguers. Hitters of all ages should refrain from hitting at full speed in practice until hitting mechanics become natural and fluid. Spin Rate - … Grade School Baseball and Softball Hitters (40–60 mph). In addition, the average bat speed of Little Leaguers depends on the weight of the bat. The remaining percentage of people afford their bat according to the pie-chart below, in a nutshell. Historically, softball hitters were encouraged to make contact at the expense of power. In the previous chapter, I listed the benefits of improved bat speed, which include the ability to watch the ball longer before pulling the trigger, increased power, improved consistency, and increased confidence. A college level softball pitcher will often pitch speeds in the mid-high 60’s and even low 70’s. We think the average sized 12 year old should buy either the 31/23 2020 CF Zen or 2020 Marucci CAT 8 drop 8 for USSSA, the 31/23 Slugger Select for USA and, if they want to save money, should look for drop 8 bats in last year’s models. When I meet with baseball hitters for the first time, they are surprised and disappointed when I measure their bat speed after letting them know what the goal for a high school hitter should be. His bat speed is at or a little below 85 MPH. For example, a heavier bat will reduce a young player’s bat speed. When parents and coaches of hitters at this age focus too much on bat speed, bad habits are inevitable. Click here to order the book at But obviously, a $20 softball with an LCD speed readout, or a bucket that measures speed, or an $89 radar gun...none of those should be expected to be close that kind of accuracy. TAPER: This section of the bat is where the barrel thins into the handle. Since the formula for predicted bat speed is essentially average exit velocity (AEV) accounting for pitch speed, and AEV is the majority factor in the equation, the leaders in bat speed … I had worked with enough high school and college softball hitters to know that traditional hitting mechanics taught to women are ineffective to generate consistent power. Ball exit speed is influenced by a number of different factors. The 90 mph reading was obviously his exit speed. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! 1. Max Barrel Speed greatly affects both the distance and speed at which the ball travels after impact. Bats are no longer made of just Aluminum like the old days, but now include Composite Technology which allows the barrel to compress more which in turn allows the ball to trampoline further. Sources. The size and weight of youth bats can also cause bat speeds to be inconsistent. These numbers corre… Sizing chart for softball bats and baseball bats. Take two players with the same From what I understand, that’s considered above average but not elite for his age. Typically, the handle will be covered by a bat grip or tape. Bat speeds can vary significantly at this age due to many variables. The distance his bat travels in the plane of the ball is about 5 feet, which helps him make up for the lack of bat speed. Top Gun list for the Fastest Pitchers in the Majors; Pitch Type report shows Average Speed by Pitch Type in the Majors. Bat composition: Exit speeds will be higher with a metal bat compared to wood. New technology has drastically changed the way baseball and softball bats have been produced over the last decade or so. Surprisingly, average bat speeds for college hitters at all levels still range from 55 to 65 mph, which is a only a small increase from high school averages. To find the correct bat length for your softball-playing daughter, have her stand straight up with her arms to the side. The following steps are the ideal process for determining the correct youth bat size for children: We have hit with every USSSA and USA bat with 12 year olds to see the best 12 year old bat model. Bat speed is the speed the bat is moving: bat speed is only one indicator of performance that may result in increased exit speed. 3. We measured both and below report the findings on a 16-year-old’s bat size chart. On the last day of the fall session (only sixteen total practices), bat speeds ranged from 57 to 74 mph, with a new team average of approximately 66 mph! Exit speed is the speed the ball is moving as it comes off the bat: exit speed (aka, batted ball speed, speed off the bat) is the ultimate goal in hitting. According to Diamond Kinetics technical advisor Dr. Alan Nathan, “bat speed is roughly six times more important to batted ball exit velocity than the incoming velocity of the pitch. A high school baseball player once told me his bat speed was over 90 mph, which I knew to be too high, based on my observations of his swings in the batting cage. Three hitters had bat speeds in the upper forties, nine hitters had bat speeds in the fifties, and four players had bat speeds in the sixties. Our speeds measured out of the hand (close to pitcher). I have scoured the Internet for credible information on bat speed ranges, but I have been unable to find any meaningful studies or insightful statistics. When I first began working with a college softball team during their thirty-day fall practice period, I measured the bat speeds of the hitters as a baseline to track their progress. Lighter bats are often best for beginners and smaller, contact-oriented players. When middle school parents boast that their son or daughter has bat speeds comparable to high school hitters, I am always skeptical. One hitter had bat speed in the upper fifties, eleven hitters had bat speeds in the mid-sixties, and five hitters had bat speeds over 70 mph, which should be the minimum target for all high school and college softball players. Softball is just as good as baseball, and may be even harder. Like their baseball counterparts, these hitters have adopted hitting mechanics that are conducive to more power and consistency. Ball exit speed (off bat): Batter hits ball on tee into a net. Life Sport Athletic Club - Lincolnshire, 96 Elm Road, Lincolnshire, IL 60069, Bat Speed, Batted Ball Speed (Exit Speed) in MPH by Age Group, Baseball Pitching Velocity Chart from Youth to Pro, Janelle Bailey Named 2017 USA Basketball Female Athlete of the Year, One of the most common questions I get: "How do I improve my punching power? BESR rating), and ball composition (ex. Smaller players will want a shorter, lighter bat to maximize bat speed and bat control. This confidence translates into award-winning statistics. BAT SPEED - 64 MPH Hitters - 72.8 MPH BALL EXIT SPEED - 63 MPH Hitters - 69.83 MPH OVERHAND THROW 62-64 MPH 5-10-5 SHUTTLE RUN Middle INF & OFs: 4.793 10 YARD SPRINT Slappers - 1.490 Non-Slappers - 1.587 20 YARD SPRINT Slappers - 2.701 Non-Slappers - 2.884 40 YARD SPRINT Slappers - 4.889 Non-Slappers - 5.253 Slappers swinging away Slappers swinging away That’s pretty impressive in anyone’s book and 45mph for a 12 year old is a pretty average pitch speed. Balanced bats have a more even weight distribution, allowing for potentially greater swing speed for many hitters. Bat speed: the faster the bat is moving at Contact the higher the exit speed will be. Elite high school hitters will eventually enjoy bat speeds 80 miles per hour and greater. Based on this information and my observations, I have a good feel for the average bat speeds of grade school, high school, and college hitters. Until these hitters learn how to use the kinetic linkage from the lower body up through the upper body, their bat speeds will be limited. Plate discipline, pitch recognition, pitch selection, count strategies, and an effective mental approach are also important. If you follow some simple rules, you will definitely see your bat speed improve! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. This is the result of at least five factors: bat speed (at contact - may not be max) + pitch speed (at plate - not max), adjusted by impact point on the bat ("sweet spot"), bat composition (ex. This is a measurement of the speed of the ball as it comes off the bat. Frequently, these hitters are using bats too light for their size and strength. Albert Pujols. Place a ruler to her side with the start of the ruler (the "0" mark) on the ground. End-loaded bats shift extra weight toward the end of the barrel, creating more whip-like action on a player’s swing and generating more power. Bat speed is not the same as exit speed. Bats can fall along the swing weight spectrum, from light to balanced to end-loaded. Becoming a better softball hitter, much like baseball, can be accomplished through better mechanics, vision training, and of course bat speed training. If you like this chapter, I hope you will consider ordering the book at your favorite online bookstore. As we analyzed local marketplaces and stores, we found 10% people purchases a baseball bat for 12 year old in the range from $24-$79, 13% people get that in the range of $80-$129. I understand that bat speed is not the sole determinant of hitting success. Exit speed will always be higher than bat speed. Most popular bat lengths by age, size, and weight, along with two bat sizing test you can take to help determing the proper bat for you. This is one of the chapters from my new book, Hitting with Torque: For Baseball and Softball Hitters. The two terms are usually confused. 13-years old - Mid 40's to Low-50's 14-years old - 50+ Average high school pitcher - 5 3-57 mph. Softball Bat Sizing. I have measured, recorded, and compiled bat speeds of baseball and softball players of all ages over many years. Height: 6’0” Weight: 180 lbs. ", Baseball Pitching Velocity Chart from age 8-22+, Scientific Proof Stretching Reduces Pitching Velocity, 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Looking for 15-20% increase from arm speed to pitch speed. Guys in high school are full of testosterone and think they know everything. On the first day of practice, bat speeds ranged from 45 to 65 mph, with a team average bat speed of approximately 55 mph. FB Velocity - Average fastball velocity for by age. Fortunately, more and more softball hitting coaches and instructors are adopting progressive hitting mechanics similar to the ones I advocate and write about in this book. Heavier bats are better suited for older, advanced athletes and larger, power-hitting players. Exit speed is the speed of the ball (not the bat) after it leaves the bat. Show him this link These low bat speeds did not surprise me. The easiest way to increase reaction time is to increase your bat speed. Young women typically rely on only their upper bodies to generate bat speed, which will naturally limit their ability to hit for power. When I measured his bat speed with my bat speed radar, his average was actually 74 mph. It is important to understand the difference between the terms “bat speed” and “exit speed.” Bat speed is determined by simply measuring the speed of the swing using a portable radar similar to the one pictured above or some of the newer bat speed measurement devices that actually are attached to the bat. High School Softball Hitters(55–80 mph) Similar to high school baseball players, most softball hitters have relatively low bat speeds, between 50 and 60 mph. The varied strength of these hitters will cause bat speeds to fall in a wide range. Young women typically rely on only their upper bodies to generate bat speed, which will naturally limit their ability to hit for power. If your young player is between 3’ and 3’4”, start with a 26-inch bat and increase the bat size 1 inch for every 4-to-5 inches that they grow. Baseball's "king of swat" Babe Ruth reportedly began his hitting career using a 54 ounce (1.5 kg) hickory bat, and is known to have used a 40oz bat in 1927 when he hit his 60 home runs. This is one of the chapters from my new book, Click here to order the book at, The Key To Building A Positive Culture In Your Program, One Voice—Finding The Right Hitting Instructor. Read the measurement at the end of her wrist, just where the hand meets the forearm. Although hitters in this range will enjoy some level of success, they will have a difficult time catching up with the best fastball pitchers. HITTING THE SWEET SPOT. If you’re shopping for a bat for your kid, the process of measuring will be a little different. In softball hitting, the grip is one of the most critical parts of a quick bat swing. In this book, I will describe the simple Hitting Keys that will allow hitters to keep up with the improvements pitchers make from high school to college. Measure ball’s exit speed from behind the batter. Similar to high school baseball players, most softball hitters have relatively low bat speeds, between 50 and 60 mph. According to Wikianswers the average pitch speed for a 15 year old girl is around 50mph. The two terms are usually confused. This confirmed again for me that hitters and coaches should understand what is actually being measured. Most college baseball hitters fall in a range between 70 and 80 mph. After a few swings, it is easy to determine average bat speed. Hitters with elite bat speeds know that no pitcher can throw the ball by them consistently. Think about it this way - If you have less time to react, you are at a great disadvantage. 2. In a 1991 experiment published in “New Scientist,” researchers at the University of Arizona found that Little Leaguers ranging in age from 10 to 12 years bat an average of about 60 mph with a 10-ounce bat, 40 mph with a 20-ounce bat and 30 mph with a 30-ounce bat. Elite college baseball hitters have bat speeds in the mid- to upper eighties, with the some reaching the low nineties. 7 Techniques to Improve Your Softball Hitting & Bat Speed A bat size chart for a 16-year-old is way more straightforward than that of a 12-year-old. When reaction time from faster pitching is decreased, bat speed needs to increase. Division 1 catchers swing the bat well and usually can hit for power or average at a high level; OBP: .500; Slugging: .600 (minimum 2 at bats per game) Pop Time: 1.95 and below consistently (verified by a neutral source) ERA below 2.00; Division 2. Well of course the pitch speed will vary from person to person but 48 sounds about right. Grade school baseball and softball hitters grow at a different pace at this age. All except below are based on radar readings by the editor. By the end of the season, nearly every starter on this college softball team exceeded the 70 mph mark, and the record-setting offensive statistics for the season reflected their dramatically improved bat speeds. For example, a bat with a -13 drop weight is lighter than a bat with a -10 drop weight. However, if I had to rank the most important trait of an elite softball or baseball hitter, high bat speed would always be at the top of the list. I believe this is due, in part, to traditional softball hitting theory that restrains women from reaching their power potential. Let’s look at who the best hitters were by bat speed last season, with a minimum of 100 batted ball events. Once you have verified what bat standard your player will be required to meet, it will be important to chose the appropriate bat for your player. And it’s how you grip the bat, how tightly you grip the bat, and in what position you grip the bat, that are important. When I work with baseball and softball players at this age, I will actually encourage them to work on the individual Hitting Keys detailed in this book at less than full speed. A good 12-year-old with a USSSA bat can consistently hit the ball close to 70 mph with elevation. In addition, the ball moves down, forcing the hitter to create a truer, more inclined bat path. HANDLE: Where a batter will grip when swinging. This made more sense, given his age, size, and swing. Charts showing reported bat speeds and exit speeds (there are all from 3rd party reports). After learning and practicing the power hitting mechanics described in this book, most hitters will fall in a range from the low to mid-seventies. These hitters learned, incorporated, and practiced the power hitting mechanics in this book.

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